
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Do Dragonflys Bite?

Yes, but only when provoked.
The other day we found a large green dragonfly, about 5" long, in our back room bouncing against the window panes trying to get out.  I tried to carefully grab him to take him outside.  His immediate reaction was to curl his tail like a scorpion; then he turned his head and bit my thumb drawing a drop of blood.  I let him go.  Next I used a handkerchief to protect me and was successful in carrying him outside to freedom.

The dragonfly is one of my favorite insects, so beautiful with their intricate patterns and graceful flight.  Read more about them biting here.

1 comment:

  1. Dave :-)

    You've given them a taste for blood - human blood!!! Aren't you worried that they'll come back for more?
